Saturday, July 5, 2014

Revisiting Pocahontas

Can you paint with all the colors of the wind with Pocahontas (1995)

Summary: Pocahontas is the daughter of a Native American Indian Chief that expects her to follow Indian customs but Pocahontas feel theres more to life just around the river bend - I did it again. Anyway, Pocahontas is then introduce to the English Colonist John Smith whom both start to have romantic feelings for one another and begin to deal with the struggling acceptance from both the Indians and Colonists.

This movie was deep, as a child I didn't understand most of things that were happening but I did grasp the concempt of racism and the distruction of land. Pocahontas showed open mindedness, patience, and tolerance to all things as well as John Smith's blindness to his forceful ways and teaching him that we as people are all created equally. The music was really good, very cultural and in depth with the Native American culture while channeling earthy feelings about taking care of our land and treating everything and everyone with respect. This movie did show the reality of the whole Engish Colonist taking over and discriminating the Native Americans from their land. The movie sent a good message about how it doesn't matter what you are or what your skin color is, treat everyone as an equal and the world can be a better place. The one thing as a kid that didn't like was the whole John Smith and John Ralph thing, in my mind I portrayed Pocahontas as a slut! But the whole John Smith and Pocahontas relationship was a child's first favorite "celebrity" couple and when they actually broke up it was shocking, its like the equivalent of Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse breaking up and then Mickey ends up with Daisy. I was very disappointed as a kid because it was the first time understanding that all couples don't last and that your first boyfriend isn't your last. You go Pocahontas! 

I love pugs! 

They're both named John, so as a kid I thought they were the same guy. 

Friday, July 4, 2014

Revisiting Hercules

Hero to Zero, Hercules (1997)

Summary: Hercules is a well know Greek Mythology that follows the tale of demi-god, Hercules. Like any other Disney hero, Hercules feels out of place and searches for his true self, he then discovers from his parents that he was adopted and his only clue to his past is a medal that was found around his neck when he was a baby. Recognizing it as the symbol of the god, Zeus, Hercules travels to Zeus' temple where he discovers he is Zeus' long lost son and must train to be a hero in order to re-enter Olympus with the other gods. 

I loved this movie when I was a kid, it was so just so uplifting and I really related to Hercules for some strange reason. The music was so fun and catchy. I loved Pegasus! Compared to all the Disney movies Hercules was pretty innocent minus the part with Hades and the monsters. Rewatching the movie as an adult was so much more relatable, as a college student, we don't know what are true purpose on this earth is and we go to college to find out, and along the way, we to tend to stray from our original goals and dreams because something happens a long our journey that discourages us, but with Hercules song "I Can Go the Distance" it just represents staying focus and motivated. Hercules song help keep me on my journey and encouraged me to bypass all the obsticles and adversities that came my way. So whenever I feel like I can't do something and I don't know how I'm going to get there, I just listen to this song and it keeps me on track :) 

Disney comfort song of the moment 'I Can Go the Distance'

Still love the Muses! And thats the gospel truth! -Hmmh


Revisiting Lilo and Stitch

Lilo and Stitch (2002)

Summary: Lilo and Stitch follows an unlikely friendship between a lonely little girl and a space alien dog that is just trying to understand where he belongs. The story takes place in Kauai, Hawaii and this pair begin to have a destructive adventures!  

When I first saw this movie it was with my older sister, I was like eight years old and she was eighteen and we went to watch it in theatres and it really bonded us. The movie's two sisters, Lilo and Nani were just like us, my sister has always been my care taker while I was the crazy little sister that couldn't keep herself out of trouble, but unlike Nani and Lilo, Me and my sister got a long very well. So watching this movie together just hit home for us and made us bust outloud with all the situational humor! The music was good, I think it definitly represented the Hawaiian culture, my favorite was Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride! All the characters were cute, there really wasn't a bad guy in this film, which was refreshing to watch! The movie had a strong essence of family and friendship which made the movie more lovable and unforgettable. Favorite charcters were of course Lilo and Stitch and as an adult its still is :) Overall Lilo and Stitches message: 

Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten 

How I feel whenever someone pisses me off lol

Revisting Aladdin

Come on a magic carpet ride with Aladdin (1992).

Summary: Aladdin is known as a street rat in his town, poor and on his own, Aladdin only wishses for a better life for himself and his pet monkey. It is when Aladdin meets Princess Jasmine that he more so wants the finer things that life has to offer as well as the girl of his dreams while Jasmine on the other hands longs to have freedom and wishes for something better then the lavish lifestyle she owns. It is then Aladdin gets an opportuniy of a life time and finds a magic lamp with a genine that grants Aladdin three wishes. 

Childhood Point of View: This movie was super cute growing up, everything was so light hearted and kidish!

  • Music: The only song I can remember from Aladdin was "A Whole New World" can't remember anything else. Just remember singing the song on the piano all the time. 
  • Characters: Aladdin was my favorite, for some reason I didn't like Jasmine, I don't know why I didn't like her but I never did. Maybe at the time one of my best friends was obsessed with her and had all the princess Jasmine accsessories, I think its just irritated me. But moving a long, my all time favorite was Carpet. He was so cute :3 While JAFAR was gross for checking out Jasmine, old pervert! 

I wish I had a carpet like that 

  • Message: Just like Mulan, just be yourself. True friends will look pass your faults and accept you as you. 
Not to be weird but I had a little crush on Aladdin maybe thats why I didn't like Jasmine lol

Adult Point of View: This movie is still cute, but the whole time I thought the movie was based in India but it turns out the movies true setting is in the Middle East. Oops.

  • Music: The Whole New World still my favorite and the only song that really gets me into the whole mood of the movie. 
  • Characters: Carpets still my favorite and I still don't like Jasmine! I guess you still carry somethings from when you were a kid into your adult hood. But Aladdin still cute! Jafar still grosses me out, out of all the Disney villians, I dislike him the most, maybe it has to do with his gross, long, goatee. 
  • Message: Be yourself and stay true to you :) 

The most inappropriate scene of all time 

Revisiting the Lion King

Its the circle of life with the Lion King (1994).

Summary: Set in Africa, our story begins with the birth of a new king to be, Simba. Did I mention that every character is an animal? Okay so Simba is a lion and the lions represented in this movie are royalty. So Simba's dad, Mufasa is the king of the Safari or just King of Pride Rock. Anyway as Simba is growing up and eager to one day take over the family business, Mufasa is polishing and preparing Simba to be the next king while Simba's Uncle Scar, becomes increasingly jealous due to his desire to one day rule the plains. Scar then fetches up a scheme to kill both Mufasa and Simba so that he can inherit the thrown. TRAGEDY follows and Simba runs away from Pride Rock where he decides to never return again and live the Hakuta Matata lifestyle with his new friends that raised him, Timon and Pumbaa. 

Childhood Point of View: This movie was so good! So apart from wanting to be a mermaid I wanted to be a lion! Everything was just so awesome and inspiring about this movie, just fell in love with all the animals! 

  • Music: The music was just so different and foreign from all the Disney music! It was all just upbeat and uplifting. My favorite singing with my guy best friend at the time was "Just Can't Wait to be King", described all my childish innocents and star gazing dreams! 
  • Characters: Timon and Pumbaa! After the movie was released they came out with a show just dedicated to the meerkat and warthog, I use to watch it for days. These two were by favorite while apart from Simba and Mufasa who just played the more rooting for the hero to save the day! 
    They do exist! 
  • Message: As a kid I didn't know to relate the message of Lion King to my life but it made me understand nature and how it works. I literally use to think the lions were really kings of the jungle and all the other animals were their subjects. 


 Adult Point of View: The musical is so much better! I recomend that you watch this movie and then watch the musical, you'll end up appreciating the movie so much more! The musical is just so much more realistic, inspiring and DEEP, just a well done Disney production that can never be overplayed.

  • Music: The music is just so cultural with the whole African culture. I felt like I was in Africa. Just beautiful. I can listen to the Lion King's 'Circle of Life' for days. I get the feels...
  • Characters: They are all still pretty awesome. Mufasa, Simba, Timon, Pumbaa, Scar, Nala, Zazu, and Rafiki. Though as an adult, I know the sad truth between all these characters is that of false childhood fantasy because Simba would have eaten and killed his friends if he wasn't a red-headed talking lion. Circle of life.
  • Message: As an adult the only message I got out of this movie was Hakuta Matata, it means no worries. 



Monday, June 30, 2014

Revisiting Mulan

This movie just kicked ass! Mulan (1998). Period.

Summary: This movie can't describe in words how kick ass it was. Basically Mulan has trouble finding out who she is and what she is meant to do while at this time war is waging in China with the Mongolians. Mulan's father is called to duty but is to weak and frail to fight, Mulan than takes it upon herself to disguise herself as a man and runs away to take her father's place. 

Childhood Point of View: I loved Mulan, just absolutley loved it! I loved everyting about it, it was funny and inspiring. It was just one of Disney's top animation movies by far.

  • Music: Loved the music, everything is so catchy and fun to sing a long too. My favorite as a kids was "We are Man" and "Reflection", growing up me and my friends would sing this song at the top of our lungs and blast our TVs whenever these songs would come on, we sounded terriable. 
  • Characters: Who doesn't love MUSHU and MULAN! These two were my top favorites, Mulan being pretty and courages while Mushu was just hilarious. The lucky Cricket, Khan, Shang, Yao, Ling, and Chein-Po they were all my favorite. This movie did nothing wrong in my book, NOTHING. 
  • Message: Just believe in yourself. No matter what, believe in yourself and just be yourself. Mulan proved that even though as a clumsy woman she was still able to go beyond the call of duty and be the hero that saves the day.

Adult Point of View: Mulan is still awesome. Still kicks ass an still a hell of funny but a lot thing went over my head as kid but now as I watched as an adult I'm like OH I GET IT lol 

  • Music: Music is still epic! My all time favoirte Disney song is still "I'll Make a Man Out of You"and even while I was in highschool. Me and couple of my friends started driving ourselves to school and we woud just hook up our ipods or iphones to the car stereo and blast this song! We would sing a long and do the motions with it, honestly Mulan got really mainstreamed in high school because eveyone was doing it! Music is still good and always will be good. 
  • Characters: Did I mention Mulan got really mainstreamed in high school? Like for some reason old movies started to make a come back and everyone started quoting them like Mean Girls and Mulan. But the one thing everyone was putting on their facebook walls and twitter tweets was Mushu quotes, I mean Mushu was basically Eddie Murphy as a dragon. "Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow!", best. funny. line. ever. As a kid there were things about Mulan that went over my head like the part when Shang went to visit Mulan in the tent after her sword injury and upon lifting herself from the bed, her sheets came down while it revealed her "womanly" form, that as a kid went over my head. She had boobs! I didn't know what boobs were until the 6th grade looking back everything made sense. 

I have a friend that looks exactly like the skinny one! lol

  • Message: The message still the same even as an adult, anyone that feels like doubting themselves and feels like they're not good at anything, watch this movie, it'll make you believe in yourself and be comfortable about being you. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Revisiting Beauty and the Beast

A tale as old as time, Beauty and the Beast (1991). Another Disney classic. This movie was just so pure and innocent. Though she might not be a "heroine" but Belle is definitley a princess!

Summary: Beauty and the Beast is simply a love story! Belle is known in her town as being strange and different just becuase she loves reading books, therefore her and her inventor father are outcasted. It is not until Belle's father leaves for buisness and finds himself lost in a forest where he is forced to seek shelter in an enchanted castle where the furniture can talk. Belle's father is then captured by the Beast and taken as his prisoner for trespassing. Belle eventually searches for her missing father and she too stumbles upon the castle. She then begs the Beast if she could trade places with her father as his prisoner, the Beast agrees in hope that Belle is the one that can break the curse that falls over his castle. 

Childhood Point of View: I considered this movie my favorite love story. The whole concept of her being the beautiful one and the beast as the ugly one is just so romantic! ~ to bad Quasimodo didn't get his ideal ending.

  • Music: The music was good. As a kid I really enjoyed the songs "Belle" and "Gaston". The movie was funny, cute, and inspiring. Really enjoyed everything. 

  • Characters: Belle and Belle's father, Maurice were my two favorite characters because she was just really pretty and smart while Maurice was corky. The candlestick, Lumiere was also charming and funny. Didn't care for the Beast thought he was jerk not until the end he started growing on me. Besides Belle being pretty and smart (again), she truley loved the Beast as who he was, a gentle spirit when you get to know him, but compared to the other Disney princesses, Belle didn't fall for the princes' good looks and title, she is the most honest and selfless princess by far. - when I say princesses I mean, Cinderella, Snow White, and Aurora.  

  • Message: Don't judge a book by its cover. First impressions are not everything, love somebody for who they are and not their looks. 

cute <3
Adult Point of View: Still have the same feelings about this movie as when I was a kid but the only thing that I love more then the cute couple is Gaston.

  • Music: The music is timeless. But I died hard laughing from "Gaston". Still my favorite song.

  • Characters: Is it bad to say I really love Gaston now! I mean he was really the most shallowist character in the movie but how can anybody resist a big ego/stupid guy? Yeah he just liked Belle for just being pretty but so did the Beast! They both wanted the girl and Gaston was more honest about his wants. I still rooted for him but this guy made me laugh out loud whenever he would pop up. 

  • Message: Never judge a book by it's cover, unless it's Gaston! 

Gaston is still funny

Revisiting The Hunchback of Notre Dame

My all time favorite Disney movie, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996). This movie was just kickass! Esmeralda was my top favorite Disney Heroine! I still lover her! She is just awesome and Quasimodo is just so cute :3 I personally think Esmeralda is the prettiest Disney Heroine of all!

Summary: Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame is based off of one Victor Hugo's greastest literature pieces known as Notre Dame de Paris. The Disney plot is a little bit different from Victor Hugo's but overall the story follows the deformed hunchback Quasimodo who lives in the bell tower of Notre Dame. He was raised by the cruel Judge Claude Frollo who warns him to never leave the safety of the church. Quasimodo tired of his loneliness then decides to venture out into the city of Paris during it's Festival of Fools day where he befriends gypsy, Esmeralda. 

Childhood Point of View: As a child this movie confused me greatley, I had no idea what was going on but I liked it! The notion about death and sexuality totally went over my head and certain parts of the movie kinda of weirded me out. 

  • Music: The music was fun from what I remember but not as good as The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, and Mulan. My favorite song was Topsy Turvy and Bells of Notre Dame. When the song Hellfire went on, I was just "like huh?", "this is weird..."

  • Characters: Quasimodo and Esmeralda were my favorite! I kinda of wanted them to end up together because Quasimodo loved her and he deserved to have some kind of happiness! Though the two of them together was just so cute and innocent. The gargoyles were also on my top list Victor, Hugo, and Laverne (fun fact the two gargoyles were named after author Victor Hugo). The three of them together was just so funny. 

  • Message: Never judge a book by its cover.... ? I don't recall ever understanding the message of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, this movie lost me towards the end. 

Adult Point of View: Holy crap this movie was dark! I understood everything form the beginning to the end! This movie definitly crafted the innocents for a child to understand while the movies whole disposition was obscure to the strong sexual energy given off by Judge Frollo.

  • Music: The music is still good but not something kids could sing along to. My new favorite song from rewatching it, Heaven's Light/Hellfire. Again definitly contrast the innocents and darkness of the two main characters. Quasimodo's love for Esmeralda/Frollo's lust for Esmeralda. 
favorite foreshadowed lyric from the begining: Who is the monster and who is the man?
  • Characters: Phoebus and Frollo had worked my into my heart! Well mostly Phoebus because he was the most down to earth guy in the whole film! He knew right from wrong and loved Esmeralda not as an angel like Quasimodo or viewed her as the devil like Frollo but overall Phoebus treated Esmeralda like a true equal that he admired. On that note, Frollo's whole lustfull aria was just wow... especially for a kids' movie of all places. The song was just filled with lyrics that translated into my head as you're hot, I want you, let's do it or else I'll kill you. I could understand how this song could go over a lot of kids' head while the parents are soaking in any damages left behind. 

  • Message: I still don't know the message to be honest... I mean the monster was Frollo and the man was Quasimodo... other than that I got nothing...



Friday, June 20, 2014

Revisiting The Little Mermaid

I absolultey loved The Little Mermaid (1989)This movie will forever go down as a Disney classic! - Who doesn't love the little mermaid?

 Summary: As a child my over all idea of the Little Mermaid was about a mermaid princess named Ariel. Ariel is tired of living "under the sea" and wishes to be "apart of our world" when she meets two legged prince Eric and saves him from a boat crash and then falls deeply in love with him. Ariel then begins to despertley find a way to live on the surface. Ariel then seeks the help and strikes a deal with the sea-octupus-witch, Ursula, who worns her about "the poor unfortunate souls" that make bargins with her, Ariel agrees anyway and gives Ursula her voice and in return a new set of legs. Though in order for Ariel to gain her voice back and keep her new legs she must be able to make Prince Eric "kiss the girl" and live happily ever after.

(I'll break the movie down into at three catergories that make the movie the movie)

Child Point of View:
Who doesn't want to be a mermaid! The first time I watched this movie I was in the waiting room of my pediatrician (I was about five years old) and after it was done I wanted to jump in the ocean and live among the merpeople.

  • Music: I loved singing to Apart of Your World and Kiss the Girl. From what I remember the music was very fun and catchy and it definitly caught the essence of living in the sea.
  • Characters: Ariel was my favorite! I was rooting for her to end up with Prince Eric. She was pretty, brave, different, and she can sing! Ariel deserved to be with Prince Eric and she eventually was able to be with him and live among humans! Ariel kicked butt and she stayed with what she believed in! 
  • Message: Its okay to be different, and yearning and wanting to be apart of some other world where it makes you happy is awesome! 

Adult Point of View: I still love the movie but watching it as an adult, I can't help but see a lot of character faults through the protagonist, Ariel. 

  • Music: Rewatching the movie my new favorite song is still Apart of Your World and Poor Unfortunate Souls. The music still catchy and rememberable. WARNING - offending opinions are about to follow.
  • Characters: Ariel is my least favorite. Really watching and observing her character made me dislike her 16 year old mentality (though I did admire her love for the silly objects she collected). Also she was just 16 years old! As a child I thought Ariel was full grown women but guess what all Disney princess are at least in their teens they are just portrayed as being mature older women by their character designs. Ariel had an amazing talent but she gave up her talents for a guy! A guy she bearly even knew! They then all of a sudden get married and have a baby (shotgun wedding much). By the way Ariel was a teen mom (I'm also referring to the sequal).
  • Message: Forget where you come from and become someone that you're not. Ariel was a mermaid and abandones her mermaid self to become a human and marry some guy she just met. Sorry Diseny, people in the real world can't forget where they come from to pretend to be something they're not.  


Sunday, June 15, 2014

Revisiting my Disney Childhood

Hi! My name is Emma and I'm 20 years old, turning 21 this year in November - woo woo XD

This blog will basically be about me as an adult revisiting classic Disney movies that I loved as a child.

Growing up I use to be fascinated by disney movies and their magical meanings they had behind them! On as side note, I was never really in the scene of the Disney princess. Every single Disney animated movie was created to help stimulate a child's imagination and help uplift dreams though vivid colors and songs and inspirational heroes and heroines.
-My favorite being the Hunchback of Notre Dame and The Nightmare before Christmas (I was a very distasteful child).
Me, age 4 at Disneyland crying for some unknown reason
Anyway Disney movies were based on purity and innocents that only a child could comprehend but revisiting most of the Disney movies at the age of a corrupted 20 year old mind, its really exhilarating   to watch some of the movies with a cynical mentality or for a better put word, a realistic mentality. Some Disney movies are filled with dark, mature, and sexual situations that only an adult could pick up on. Therefore this blog, again, will be dedicated to revealing my first initial reviews of the movies from the best of my recollection of my childhood to now being the ever so mature adult I've grown up to be.