Friday, July 4, 2014

Revisting Aladdin

Come on a magic carpet ride with Aladdin (1992).

Summary: Aladdin is known as a street rat in his town, poor and on his own, Aladdin only wishses for a better life for himself and his pet monkey. It is when Aladdin meets Princess Jasmine that he more so wants the finer things that life has to offer as well as the girl of his dreams while Jasmine on the other hands longs to have freedom and wishes for something better then the lavish lifestyle she owns. It is then Aladdin gets an opportuniy of a life time and finds a magic lamp with a genine that grants Aladdin three wishes. 

Childhood Point of View: This movie was super cute growing up, everything was so light hearted and kidish!

  • Music: The only song I can remember from Aladdin was "A Whole New World" can't remember anything else. Just remember singing the song on the piano all the time. 
  • Characters: Aladdin was my favorite, for some reason I didn't like Jasmine, I don't know why I didn't like her but I never did. Maybe at the time one of my best friends was obsessed with her and had all the princess Jasmine accsessories, I think its just irritated me. But moving a long, my all time favorite was Carpet. He was so cute :3 While JAFAR was gross for checking out Jasmine, old pervert! 

I wish I had a carpet like that 

  • Message: Just like Mulan, just be yourself. True friends will look pass your faults and accept you as you. 
Not to be weird but I had a little crush on Aladdin maybe thats why I didn't like Jasmine lol

Adult Point of View: This movie is still cute, but the whole time I thought the movie was based in India but it turns out the movies true setting is in the Middle East. Oops.

  • Music: The Whole New World still my favorite and the only song that really gets me into the whole mood of the movie. 
  • Characters: Carpets still my favorite and I still don't like Jasmine! I guess you still carry somethings from when you were a kid into your adult hood. But Aladdin still cute! Jafar still grosses me out, out of all the Disney villians, I dislike him the most, maybe it has to do with his gross, long, goatee. 
  • Message: Be yourself and stay true to you :) 

The most inappropriate scene of all time 

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