This movie just kicked ass! Mulan (1998). Period.
Summary: This movie can't describe in words how kick ass it was. Basically Mulan has trouble finding out who she is and what she is meant to do while at this time war is waging in China with the Mongolians. Mulan's father is called to duty but is to weak and frail to fight, Mulan than takes it upon herself to disguise herself as a man and runs away to take her father's place.
Childhood Point of View: I loved Mulan, just absolutley loved it! I loved everyting about it, it was funny and inspiring. It was just one of Disney's top animation movies by far.
- Music: Loved the music, everything is so catchy and fun to sing a long too. My favorite as a kids was "We are Man" and "Reflection", growing up me and my friends would sing this song at the top of our lungs and blast our TVs whenever these songs would come on, we sounded terriable.
- Characters: Who doesn't love MUSHU and MULAN! These two were my top favorites, Mulan being pretty and courages while Mushu was just hilarious. The lucky Cricket, Khan, Shang, Yao, Ling, and Chein-Po they were all my favorite. This movie did nothing wrong in my book, NOTHING.
- Message: Just believe in yourself. No matter what, believe in yourself and just be yourself. Mulan proved that even though as a clumsy woman she was still able to go beyond the call of duty and be the hero that saves the day.
Adult Point of View: Mulan is still awesome. Still kicks ass an still a hell of funny but a lot thing went over my head as kid but now as I watched as an adult I'm like OH I GET IT lol
- Music: Music is still epic! My all time favoirte Disney song is still "I'll Make a Man Out of You"and even while I was in highschool. Me and couple of my friends started driving ourselves to school and we woud just hook up our ipods or iphones to the car stereo and blast this song! We would sing a long and do the motions with it, honestly Mulan got really mainstreamed in high school because eveyone was doing it! Music is still good and always will be good.
- Characters: Did I mention Mulan got really mainstreamed in high school? Like for some reason old movies started to make a come back and everyone started quoting them like Mean Girls and Mulan. But the one thing everyone was putting on their facebook walls and twitter tweets was Mushu quotes, I mean Mushu was basically Eddie Murphy as a dragon. "Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow!", best. funny. line. ever. As a kid there were things about Mulan that went over my head like the part when Shang went to visit Mulan in the tent after her sword injury and upon lifting herself from the bed, her sheets came down while it revealed her "womanly" form, that as a kid went over my head. She had boobs! I didn't know what boobs were until the 6th grade looking back everything made sense.
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I have a friend that looks exactly like the skinny one! lol |
- Message: The message still the same even as an adult, anyone that feels like doubting themselves and feels like they're not good at anything, watch this movie, it'll make you believe in yourself and be comfortable about being you.